.. title: Path Handlers for Nikola .. slug: path-handlers .. author: The Nikola Team Nikola supports special links with the syntax ``link://kind/name``. In the templates you can also use ``_link(kind, name)`` Here is the description for all the supported kinds. .. class:: dl-horizontal archive Link to archive path, name is the year. Example: link://archive/2013 => /archives/2013/index.html archive_atom Link to atom archive path, name is the year. Example: link://archive_atom/2013 => /archives/2013/index.atom author Link to an author's page. Example: link://author/joe => /authors/joe.html author_atom Link to an author's Atom feed. Example: link://author_atom/joe => /authors/joe.atom author_index Link to the author's index. Example: link://authors/ => /authors/index.html author_rss Link to an author's RSS feed. Example: link://author_rss/joe => /authors/joe.rss category A link to a category. Example: link://category/dogs => /categories/dogs.html category_atom A link to a category's Atom feed. Example: link://category_atom/dogs => /categories/dogs.atom category_index A link to the category index. Example: link://category_index => /categories/index.html category_rss A link to a category's RSS feed. Example: link://category_rss/dogs => /categories/dogs.xml filename Link to post or story by source filename. Example: link://filename/manual.txt => /docs/handbook.html gallery Link to an image gallery's path. It will try to find a gallery with that name if it's not ambiguous or with that path. For example: link://gallery/london => /galleries/trips/london/index.html link://gallery/trips/london => /galleries/trips/london/index.html gallery_global Link to the global gallery path, which contains all the images in galleries. There is only one copy of an image on multilingual blogs, in the site root. link://gallery_global/london => /galleries/trips/london/index.html link://gallery_global/trips/london => /galleries/trips/london/index.html (a ``gallery`` link could lead to eg. /en/galleries/trips/london/index.html) gallery_rss Link to an image gallery's RSS feed. It will try to find a gallery with that name if it's not ambiguous or with that path. For example: link://gallery_rss/london => /galleries/trips/london/rss.xml link://gallery_rss/trips/london => /galleries/trips/london/rss.xml index Link to a numbered index. Example: link://index/3 => /index-3.html index_atom Link to a numbered Atom index. Example: link://index_atom/3 => /index-3.atom listing A link to a listing. It will try to use the file name if it's not ambiguous, or the file path. Example: link://listing/hello.py => /listings/tutorial/hello.py.html link://listing/tutorial/hello.py => /listings/tutorial/hello.py.html post_path Link to the destination of an element in the POSTS/PAGES settings. Example: link://post_path/posts => /blog root Link to the current language's root. Example: link://root_path => / link://root_path => /translations/spanish/ rss A link to the RSS feed path. Example: link://rss => /blog/rss.xml section_index Link to the index for a section. Example: link://section_index/cars => /cars/index.html section_index_atom Link to the Atom index for a section. Example: link://section_index_atom/cars => /cars/index.atom slug A link to a post with given slug, if not ambiguous. Example: link://slug/yellow-camaro => /posts/cars/awful/yellow-camaro/index.html tag A link to a tag's page. Example: link://tag/cats => /tags/cats.html tag_atom A link to a tag's Atom feed. Example: link://tag_atom/cats => /tags/cats.atom tag_index A link to the tag index. Example: link://tag_index => /tags/index.html tag_rss A link to a tag's RSS feed. Example: link://tag_rss/cats => /tags/cats.xml